Thu, Apr 20
Tier 2 Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism now applies to ALL regulated health and social care services. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/en/ukpga/2022/31/section/181/enacted Autism and learning disabilities brought to you straight from the hearts of autistic trainers.

Time & Location
Apr 20, 2023, 9:45 AM – 3:00 PM GMT+1
About the event
Tier 2 Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism for Providers now applies to people working in health and social care, with responsibility for providing care and support for an autistic person or autistic people, but who could seek support from others for complex management or complex decision-making. Suitable for providers who are providing services for people with autism and learning disabilities. This Tier is suitable for health and social care services, frontline care staff and people in other roles, such as, care homes, domiciliary care, education providers and housing services. Tier 2 is also likely to be helpful to autistic people and their families, friends and care givers and aims to enhance understanding, knowledge, skills and confidence to support effective planning of their current and future needs.
Tier 2 Mandatory Learning Disabilities and Autism Training includes The Autism-Capabilities-Framewrk-Oct-2019.pdf (skillsforhealth.org.uk) which has been further enhanced by Greater Manchester’s Core Capabilities Autism Training Framework and The Learning Disability Framework 2019 published by Department of Health and Social Care Learning Disability Framework Oct 2019.pdf (skillsforhealth.org.uk). This is to ensure suitable, and asset based, lived experience, awareness sessions are delivered to appropriately, enhance practitioners and parents knowledge, skills and confidence in supporting individuals affected by learning disabilities and/or and autism. Training sessions include question and answer time to offer practitioners and families to gain solutions to relevant challenges/experiences.
Tier 2 Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism for Providers. Autizma are committed to improving lives and enhancing service provision. We have therefore made available a time limited offer to enable providers to keep up to date with changes in practice and legislation. Please don’t worry if you can’t attend registration gives you access to the Live Recording, a Certificate and post training resources.
Practitioners TIER 2
Includes Live Presentation, Recording, Certificate and post-session resources.
Sale ended- £42.99
Parents and Carers TIER 2
£16.99Sale ended