About Us
We founded Autizma in 2015, to share good practice; we are Manchester parents/carers of children/family with autism, ADHD, mental health, complex needs and disability; this provides a unique perspective on the needs of people and enables us to deliver learning solutions from a real life, lived experience and skilled academic perspective.
100% of our staff/volunteers have lived experience of being involved by or through disability/autism/ADHD/complex needs and mental health.
Directors and staff have career experience which includes being a qualified social care manager, working in education, mental health, autism, ADHD sectors, commissioning, project management, administration and working in Manchester. Qualifications include child psychology, health and social care.
Autizma is a Greater Manchester, third sector, ‘positive behaviour change’ learning provider. Dedicated to improving the lives of those with autism.
Autizma works in partnership with The National Autistic Society, we are also registered with The UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP) and Member of the Health Charter for Learning Disabilities.
Our work includes recommendations made by the Positive Behaviour Support Academy, NICE guidance and Equality Act 2010.
We are an approved provider for Manchester City Council Social Care and the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (Learning Disability and Autism Ethical Purchasing System).